Phase 7 Housing Proposals at Sharphill : How to Object


This Guide is intended to encourage you to object to a planning application by Vistry Homes that is currently being assessed by Rushcliffe Borough Council. In order to view it you will need to use the RBC planning website to examine the drawings and supporting documents submitted by the developer.

The easiest approach is to do a simple search via the following link:  which requires you to enter the application ref. no. (in the box at the bottom of the first page): 

21/00502/REM  (The title mentions reserved matters and Phase 7).

The parcel of land in question is at the north (or top) end of the Edwalton development closest to existing housing and the proposed Musters Road bus access ‘gate’. The principle of developing this site was established by an outline permission for housing 

across a larger area (Zone 4) in 2017, so that cannot be undone at this stage. However, it is an opportunity to assess the details such as the layout, density, appearance and means of access. For instance, you can check details of house types -eg their height, juxtaposition, size of gardens, & use of materials. 

Once you have found the application online, we suggest that you open the Documents file and access the most relevant ones in the following order:

i) Planning Layout (Colour) Rev A

ii) Landscape GA

iii) Response from Sharphill Action Group 

iv) It will also be helpful to see the Design & Access Statement (Pt.1) for Phase 7 which has been erroneously excluded from the above file and can be found on  21/00479/Discon. (See also attached)

Then, if you can make representatives by one of 3 different methods (see further information below). SAG  wishes to draw your attention to the buffer zones at the rear of existing properties, road widths, the greenway and the small reference to a potential access to a Community Centre. Please use your own words when objecting and perhaps refer to one or more of the following reasons:

1) Insufficient buffer zone to the rear of existing properties which will lead to those on Willow Road and 16 Bracey Rise being overlooked from new homes on higher ground

2) Ongoing risk of flash flooding due to unresolved surface water drainage issues

3) Density of development is not in keeping with the area in general. The design and  layout for 120 homes does not reflect the highly visible and prestigious site

4) Part of the scheme is likely to impede the setting of Sharphill Wood – which is the most prominent landmark in West Bridgford. There has been a long held policy to protect valued views from and towards it, which SAG feels can best be achieved by restricting the height of buildings to one-storey and all development to below the 70m contour.

5) Plans fail to show a vehicular access route to the Community Park and proposed allotments (NB. detailed plans for those areas are not yet submitted).

6) It is not clear if and where exactly on adjacent parkland a site for a Community Hall is being proposed, but any further reduction of the area for recreation (and impediment to the setting of Sharphill Wood) is unacceptable.

Your case will be greatly helped by reference to the policy guidance of the adopted Local Plan Pt 1 (ref: Policy 20) and the (supplementary) Edwalton Development Framework, both also available from the website below (click on Planning Policy). Comments should be sent as soon as possible but ideally no later than 30th April.

For further information from the RBC website, please visit :


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